Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tour the Renzo Piano-designed Whitney Museum, where artwork flows into the cityscape

Look at those views

When Italian architect Renzo Piano debuted his design for the Whitney Museums's new High Line-hovering building, it wasn't exactly well-received. Nevertheless, the protruding building has managed to blend into its surroundings while still captivating the attention of all those in its vicinity and has proven its necessity as it welcomes more visitors to the museum than it ever before.

Opened in 2015, the new Whitney offers more space to accommodate both permanent and temporary installations, without having to compromise one for the other. The building's design also for art to display from virtually anywhere, with sculptures even dangling from the ceiling, and its column-free layout allows visitors to enjoy the flow of the museum without interruption.

The abundance of floor-to-ceiling windows create stunning views of the city's skyline that serve as the perfect backdrop for any installation and the expansive outdoor deck with seating gives folks the opportunity to sit back and enjoy the views even further.

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