450,000 evictions were filed between 2013 and 2015
A new interactive map created by housing advocacy group JustFix.nyc shows the alarming rate at which landlords filed evictions against their tenants, Gothamist reported.
The problem is particularly severe in neighborhoods like Crown Heights and Bushwick (which have high percentages of rent-stabilized apartments), according to the map. Based on the studies conducted by the Brooklyn-based startup that created the map, 450,000 evictions were filed in the city between 2013 and 2015. Of those, about 25,000 to 30,000 actually materialized into evictions each year.
ProPublica has shined a light on rent-stabilized apartments in recent years and found out that developers were often openly flouting rent-stabilization laws in the city, prompting long-term residents to be pushed out of neighborhoods due to rapidly escalating rents.
About a third of New Yorkers use half of their income towards rent, and the city is experiencing one of the highest rates of homelessness since the Great Depression, according to a ProPublica investigation published last year.
This year the Rent Guidelines Board also did not vote on a third consecutive rent freeze and instead agreed to increased of up to 2 percent. But things may be on the mend for the city's rent-stabilized tenants.
Recently, a major Crown Heights development won a major victory to keep their apartments rent-stabilized for the next 30 years; tenants in the West Village also scored a victory recently. What's more, the city is also amping up its efforts to protect low-income tenants facing eviction in housing court.
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